Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sorry, I got lost on the way to blog town...

Yes that's right..I couldn't log in to update my blog.  Sorry we missed sharing a few holidays together.  Hope you all had a wonderful Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day.

Down south we are a little "summerish".  The oak leaves are falling along with those nasty oak flowers. All the cars, houses, and porch swings have a yellow dusting of pollen.  So the bees and sinus doctors are working overtime and lovin it. 

I have started reading Debbie Macomber "Blossom Street" series.  Such a sweet little town. and a wonderful read.

I started a new cross stitch project "Crab Boil" by Leslie Wister.  I will post pics next blog.

So, enjoy the last of your winter days.  I'll see you in the spring!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello & Welcome...

My name is Miche and I have a passion for cross stitching.  I have been following several cross stitch blogs and decided to begin my own.  Even though they have been around, I have just discovered Lizzie Kate & Waxing the Moon.  I Love these patterns.  My thought is blogging about each and every project I begin and finish will help me keep track and appreciate the finished project.  So, here we go.
I am starting Waxing the Moon "the crab is in". I plan to hang this in my country kitchen when it's complete.

Speaking of the country kitchen, We are in the process of remodeling our country home.  It's a home built in the 1940s on the bayou.  The home belonged to my grandparents, its where my mother and uncle were raised.  The home has a lot of family memories with it's majestic oak trees over looking the bayou. I will be posting the progress on the house.

So, if anyone is out there and interested...Welcome !